Percorso Sensoriale Immèrgiti

Imèr - Pèze di Sotto

Lower Primiero

aaron • 22/06/2024


01:00 hrs
1.7 km
No vertigo
Min. elevation
630 m
Max. elevation
610 m
Elevation gain
30 m
Elevation loss
30 m
Car park
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  • 35%
  • 55%
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  •  Forest
  •  Grass
  •  Urban
  • Jan
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This short walk, ideal for those who want to take a short walk in nature – also for families and children – leads to the discovery of the “Percorso Sensoriale Immèrgiti” (tr. Sensory Trail Immersion) by the village of Imèr, in the Lower Primiero

The trail begins in Imèr, from the convenient parking lot in the sports area, near the roundabout at the entrance to the village, where there is also a nice park with a water fountain.

After crossing the underpass to the S of the parking lots, you cross the bridge over the Cismón Torrent. After the bridge, the itinerary turns right, taking the road that proceeds slightly downhill following the watercourse bank, keeping an eye out for signs for the sensory trail and the botanical garden. At the signpost for the sensory trail, turn left onto the gravel road, following the trail in the recommended direction.

The gravel road continues through the meadows of the locality Pèze di Sotto, with the view of Mount Totóga in the foreground. Shortly, the walk reaches the first station of the sensory trail, “gusci” (tr. “shells”), from which you continue along the remaining part of the recommended route, always following the signs.

From here, we then take the paved bicycle-pedestrian road back toward Imèr, along the Cismón Torrent, with the Pale di San Martino / Pala Group peaks providing the backdrop for this last section of the walk. There is a picnic area at the end of the road, equipped with a grill, tables and wooden deck chairs, where you can stop for a break. From here you take the outward route back to the Imèr sports area.


  • From the village of Imèr (630 m asl), follow the paved road towards the locality of Pèze, then proceed past the river on the cross-country dirt road along the Cismón Torrent, then left on a gravel road. 
  • Continue on the marked “Percorso Sensoriale Immèrgiti” (tr. Sensory Trail Immersion) path and return via the inter-modal road (bicycle path along the Cismón Torrent). ✓

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